domingo, 9 de enero de 2005

read "Tennessee" for "Alaska", "Oklahoma", NC, ...

"Second Lawsuit Filed Over Federal Water Rights," The
Associated Press State & Local Wire, January 7, 2005.
Copyright 2005 Associated Press.

["ANCHORAGE: The Native American Rights Fund on Friday
filed what is effectively a countersuit to the state
of Alaska's challenge of the federal government's
power to control certain waterways in the state. The
lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Anchorage
on behalf of Katie John and others and the Alaska
Inter-tribal Council against the U.S. departments of
the Interior and Agriculture. ‘It's all about fishing,
and it's all about people being able to fish without
the state getting in the way,’ Heather Kendall Miller,
a lawyer for the Native American Rights Fund, said
Friday. In U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.,
the state of Alaska on Thursday sued the same two
federal agencies, said Becky Hultberg, a spokeswoman
for Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski. The state's
lawsuit contends the two federal agencies have not
followed the process laid out by the U.S. Supreme
Court for defining federal reserved water rights. The
lawsuit challenges the expansion of federal
jurisdiction over certain waterways and water bodies,
over marine waters beyond the mean high tide mark and
over state and private lands in Alaska."]


"Report looks at status of Alaska Natives," Mary
Pemberton , The Associated Press State & Local Wire,
January 7, 2005. Copyright 2005 Associated Press
All Rights Reserved.

["ANCHORAGE: A report was issued Friday that provides
a wide-ranging look at Alaska Natives, including how
the state's indigenous people are doing in areas of
population, health, economics and education. The
report is an analysis of the Status of Alaska Natives
Report 2004, which was prepared by the University of
Alaska Anchorage's Institute of Social and Economic
Research. The report and analysis were requested by
the Alaska Federation of Natives to bring new data to
and generate fresh ideas in the Native community, and
increase dialogue with non-Natives. ‘It is the first
report that was done by Alaska Natives studying Alaska
Natives,’ said Janie Leask, chairwoman of the board of
trustees for the First Alaskans Institute. ‘Applying
Native thinking to Alaskan issues strengthens all of
us in the end with a more unified, common vision.’ The
Alaska Native Policy Center analyzed the data for the
First Alaskans Institute, a nonprofit group helping
Alaska Natives. The report not only provides a
snapshot of the status of Alaska Natives but also
looks at trends over the past 15 years. The analysis
concludes at least three areas need work
simultaneously: improving public education, addressing
health issues, creating jobs and lowering the cost of
living in rural Alaska. Even in areas where there
continue to be deficiencies, there also have been
gains, said Greta Goto, director of the Alaska Native
Policy Center. For example, there are more high
schools but the dropout rate is troublesome, she said.
‘I think it is a challenge we have to overcome,’ Goto

FYI: News Items of Interest is a daily resource
compiled by the H-AMINDIAN staff. It features a
sampling of news stories concerning Native issues in
Canada, the United States and Mexico. In order to
comply with Academic Fair Use and copyright laws, only
a summary of the news articles is offered here. We
will not reproduce articles in whole. Only stories
from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) offer
a direct link to the article in question (the link
follows immediately after the summary). However,
online links to all of our sources are available at
our website:
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provide access to online data bases and services (such
as Lexis-Nexis, ProQuest, or Dialog) with full-text
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Department of History, Arizona State University.

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