sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2005

Current Commissioners of Indian Affairs & contact info

Sent by Ms. Ruth Allen:

Please update our Commissioners listing:

Doris Tate Trevino, Chair
460 Tate Road
Sewanee, TN 37375
email: tandt05@bellsouth.net

Evangeline "Van" Lynch, Vice Chair
P. O. Box 408
Trimble, TN 38259-0408
email: vlynch@ycirnet.net

Ruth Knight Allen, Secretary/Treasurer
1541 Welsh Rd.
Memphis, TN 38117-6731
901/685-8135 Home
901/628-6330 Cell
email: longwlker@aol.com

Niles Aseret
635 Spike Trail
Murphreesboro, TN 37129

Jeanie Walkingstick King
P. O. Box 382
Alcoa, TN 37701
865/382-5911 Cell

Jimmy Reedy
3190 Petigap Rd.
McMinnville, TN 38110
931/939-4007 Home
615/467-1513 Work
email: rockinr@blomand.net

Kippy Vaughn
P. O. Box 72
Rockwood, TN 37375
email: kvaughn65@aol.com

Committee assignment changes will be sent as soon as we have them.



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