viernes, 15 de abril de 2005

self-announced applicants for TNCIA

self-announced applicants for the TN Commission of Indian Affairs
for the 2005-2009 metro areas, as of 15 april 2005

Memphis - Ruth Knight Allen, incumbent

Nashville -

Knoxville -

Chattanooga - John Anderson, incumbent
                        - David Walker
                        - Doris Tate Trevino
                        - tom kunesh
                        - Alva Crowe

it's not known whether or not TNNAC has received all these applications
or if candidates have qualified with supporting signatures.
these are simply people who have said, publicly or privately,
that they intend to run. i presume that individuals can
withdraw at any time so this listing is simply an early and
wholly unofficial report for informational purposes only.

applications are available at

saturday, 25 june - Caucuses

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