lunes, 25 de abril de 2005

now taking nominations


The Tennessee Native American Convention (TNNAC) is now taking nominations for the Tennessee Commission of Indian Affairs, the Advisory Council of Tennessee Indian Affairs, TNNAC caucus board members, and Native American Indian represontation on other State commissions and boards.

Applications for nomination can be obtained at, along with signature sheets.

The nomination period closes May 28, 2005. Applications and signature sheets must be mailed before this date.

TNNAC is accepting nominations to the Metro area -- Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga -- commission seats and Advisory council seats. TNNAC is also accepting nominations to fill the vice chair seats at the seven area caucuses. The term of office will be 4 years from 2005-2009.

Only persons living in the metro county and contiguous counties are able to run for the metro-area Commission of Indian Affairs nominations, and for the Advisory Council positions. TNNAC board member seats are open in all seven area caucuses.

Those wishing to be a Nominee to any position must fill out an application and have at least 21 signatures of registered voters who support their candidacy. (We suggest obtaining at least 30 signatures in case some are not registered voters.) They must have at least 11 signatures of registered voters from inside their caucus area and at least 10 signatures from registered voters in their grand division. If they are applying for Indian Preference, that candidate must provide proof of Native American Indian descent.

The metro areas are defined as the following continguous-counties' areas:
Memphis: includes the counties of Fayette, Shelby and Tipton;
Nashville: Cheatham, Davidson, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson, and Wilson counties;
Knoxville: Anderson, Blount, Grainger, Jefferson, Knox, Loudon, Roane, Sevier, and Union counties; and
Chattanooga: Bledsoe, Bradley, Hamilton, Marion, Meigs, Rhea, and Sequatchie counties.

Anyone in these areas can be nominated for Commission of Indian Affairs and Advisory council if (a) they are a resident of the state of Tennessee, and (b) at least 18 years of age, and (c) fill out the application, (d) submit the appropriate number of signatures, and (e) mail them to TNNAC Secretary Lynn Clayton, 354 Lowrey Road, Medon TN 38356, before May 28, 2005.

Regional caucuses will be held on Saturday, June 25, 2005. At that time those who qualified in the nomination process for Commission of Indian Affairs, the Advisory Council, and the TNNAC board will be voted on. Each area caucus will select up to 4 Commission nominees, 3 Advisory Council members, 1 TNNAC board member and an alternate, and 15 delegates (including 5 alternate delegates) to go to the biennial Convention which will be held on Saturday, September 24, 2005 at Little Cedar Mountain, west of Chattanooga. The convention will decide which of the Commission candidates will be sent to the State for nomination to appointment.

If you have any questions and the web page does not answer them, please contact Vicky Garland via email or 931/ 766-0827.

Vicky Garland, Public Relations Committee, 931/ 766-0827

John Smith, chairman
Lynn Clayton, secretary-treasurer

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